At the office complex where I work, there is a deli - their food is good, however there are no bread options for sandwiches that are free of gluten or dairy. I saw on
The Whole Kitchen that Jenn had found a tortilla that she raved about. I got my order last week and couldn’t be happier.
Sandwich Petals comes in 3 flavors, Agave Grain, Chimayo Red Chile and Spinach Garlic. I just take my wrap downstairs or to where ever I go to lunch and ask them to make my sandwich in my petal. What I really like about them is that they are the perfect portion size and don’t need to be refrigerated so they are perfect for the office (they are shelf stable for 60 days). I found working full time limits how much time I spend in the kitchen and convenience foods although allergen free are filled with more calories and fat than I should have. I have only used these lovely wraps in tacos, sandwiches and can’t wait to try them in a dessert or eggrolls, the website has recipes to get you started. Sandwich Petals are free of dairy, egg, peanut, tree nut, shellfish, soy and wheat so they are safe for everyone!
Sandwich Petals sent me an extra box for the Safe & Sound Dinner, there isn’t enough for everyone; I recommend you get your gift bag early!
I also got a large case of products from
Pamela’s Products to share with everyone at the
Safe & Sound Dinner, make sure you register now, there are only a few seats left.

I met Pamela at the Gluten Free Expo and what a delightful person. We have in common being raised in a family business; she worked in her grandparent’s health food store and took it to the next level when she opened Pamela’s Products, hoping to take health and safe foods to the next level from not only nutritious but also delicious. Pamela sent along Ginger mini snaps (gluten and dairy free) and Dark Chocolate Chocolate Chunk Cookies. The ginger mini snaps remind me of the Gingerbread cookies my great grandmother would make for me when I was young.
Next up: Gluten Free Faces Meet & Greet Wrap-up and a Cookbook you can download with all the recipes from the event.
Lisa, thanks for reviewing these. They look totally awesome. My order is on its way!
Aren't Sandwich Petals Awesome?! I just ate my last one last night, and ordered up another box this morning. They're just so handy, and pretty good for you too. My new favorite breakfast is a "quesadilla" with natural peanut butter and a little jam or honey or a little sliced banana. YUM!
Sandwich petals are DA BOMB! (yes, I really did use a phrase from 1995) But seriously...delicious!!! :)
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